search for opportunities to volunteer in Sandwell

Chat with people who are lonely and isolated

by Murray Hall Community Trust

Phone people and chat about life, just to make somebody’s day a little bit better. There is also chance to pick up and drop off prescriptions for people and meet face to face with clients to have a chat and a coffee.

Organisation description

Murray Hall Community Trust is a charity working with the elderly, lonely and isolated.


Sara Morris
0121 612 2934


Please copntact us to discuss any access requirements

Preferred skills

Somebody who can talk easily with people.

Experience gained

Be trained to be a befriender.

Will the organisation carry out a DBS check?


Minimum age


Age focus

  • Adults
  • Older people

Time of volunteering

  • Weekdays
  • Daytime


  • Mainly indoors
  • To learn new skills and improve my job prospects
  • To share my skills and creativity

If you would like to express an interest in this volunteering opportunity please complete the details below, including a contact email address or phone number, and click ‘Send’. The organisation will then get in touch with you directly

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