search for opportunities to volunteer in Sandwell

Help others to explore our fabulous green spaces

by Sandwell Council - Public Health Team

We are looking for new walk leaders who enjoy being with people, are welcoming and friendly and love being out in the fresh air walking and chatting to like- minded people.
Sandwell Stride programme of weekly walks makes the most of the green spaces, parks, canals and neighbourhoods all across Sandwell. Wherever you are in Sandwell, there is a walk near you!
The short walks (max 1hr) are open to all and are a great way to meet new people, make friends and have lots of fun!
Walking is one of the best exercises for your health and it's FREE!
You will receive a 3hr training session before you start and will be alongside an experienced leader who will mentor you while you’re getting used to the role.
If you want to help more Sandwell people get walking, we would love to hear from you!

Organisation description

Local authority working to make Sandwell a great place to live, work and do business – for residents, businesses and the whole community.


Please contact us to discuss any access requirements

Preferred skills

Friendly, approachable, likes people and being outside walking.

Experience gained

Organisation, planning, communication, working as a team, meeting new people, more social connections.

Will the organisation carry out a DBS check?


Minimum age


Age focus

  • Adults
  • Older people

Time of volunteering

  • Weekdays
  • Daytime


  • Mainly outdoors
  • To learn new skills and improve my job prospects
  • To share my skills and creativity

If you would like to express an interest in this volunteering opportunity please complete the details below, including a contact email address or phone number, and click ‘Send’. The organisation will then get in touch with you directly

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